CSS manufactures Turbulenta, equipment that effectively oxygenates and produces beneficial oxygen with up to 60%-70% lower energy consumption for our wastewater treatment plants, fish farms, purification ponds, and more.
Applicable industries:
Our technology is easy to integrate into existing facilities and allows for the retention of existing equipment. It can be easily tested in existing installations.
The technology involves pumping wastewater through a pipe construction where air from a high-pressure fan efficiently mixes with the process water. When the process water hits the surface, it activates and creates a vacuum, allowing even more oxygen to be supplied to the water.
Our equipment is approximately 60%-70% more cost-effective to operate compared to current technology.
A brilliant design that has been thoroughly tested and documented is ready for delivery.
Plunging Jet Aeration size PJA 40
No. spray/ mist
No clogging
No deposits
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Contact us if you want to know more about Turbulenta and oxygenation.
Feel free to contact us and we'll talk more about how we can help you.